Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I love Tuesdays!

I had every intention of staying home today and cleaning but when my sweet boy asked to go to the museum how could I say no?! It was a nice day to get out, drive and play. My sassy girl was very testing but we ended the day on a happy note! They are growing so fast right before my eyes it's unbelievable! So thankful to have days like today with them. Emerson's new favorite thing is to act like a kitty - she only meows, crawls on all 4s, lays by Sunny and tried to drink out of the water bowl. Beckett got his first xbox game - Lego Batman - so he and Neal have been having some bonding time over that! 

We had a yummy smashed garbanzo bean salad and apples for dinner and the kids went to be eat 7:30 (!!!) so I got to watch Selfie, Manhattan Love Story, New Girl and the Mindy Project and goodness I DVRd Sons and 19 Kids and Counting and I want to watch Chicago Fire! Way too much good tv on!!! 

Here are our pictures from today! :) 

She's so sassy! 

Send this to YaYa! 

Gone fishin... 
Making music

I wanna ride the kittttyyyyy!!!!


Mommy take our pitchas in these trees! 

She thought this was the coolest thing! 

Love these 2! 

We did a yucky piece of candy and a Pom Pom in there... 

Great day!

And today is 4 months since my Aunt passed away - not an hour goes by that I don't think of her <3

Monday, September 29, 2014

Soccer Saturdays!!!

I just love watching Beckett work with a team and learn the rules of soccer!! He is so cute and Neal is the most patient coach! Makes my heart so happy! Emerson was a little difficult to keep entertained at soccer and didn't want to cheer for our boys but instead run on the bleachers!! Which resulted in my smacking my face on a pole. :) We had warm weather for the game but B scored his first goal!!! Grandma Helen came up to watch and took us out to dinner at Red Robin (B's fav) after the game. I think Emerson only said "gramma Helennn" 457 times. :)  Sunday Neal had to work so I took the kids to CMoR and Trader Joe's. I went to church Sunday night and finished Save the Date by Mary Kay Andrews - great read!!

Here's our weekend pics! 

Watching daddy mow the grass..

Grandma and B

Fancy footwork!


Playing on the bleachers!


Oh my this girl! 

I rocked my Patti shirt to soccer!

It's Saturday night!! 

CMoR :)

She loved the car pieces! 


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Where did our week go?!

This has been the fastest week so far on my SAHM journey! Tuesday we went to the zoo with my mom which was so nice! We had perfect weather and all 4 of us loved the animals. I may have gotten a little freaked out in the bird cage but I ducked and swerved to avoid their swooping. We had time to go to the CMoR in Chesterfield on our way back too. It is such a nice museum with lots of fun things to do. Wednesday was Pre-K, gym and errands. I got to go to dinner with my dear friend, Pam, that I worked with for the past 2 years. She is amazing. Her strength and beauty literally astounds me. She has been through so much and remains positive at all times. She is truly an inspiration! 

Thursday was speech, gym, errands. I made a yummy stir fry for dinner before SCANDAL. I have been waiting all summer for this show to come back on and it did not disappoint!!  Friday was Pre-K, Starbucks and Short Punp mall with my gal - treat yo self day! We cleaned the whole downstairs and we are ready for the weekend!! Soccer tomorrow and grandma Helen is coming up to watch the game! I love my sweet babies, they were especially sweet this week!! 

Here are our weekly photos: 

Monkeying around! 

Feed me and tell me I'm pretty!


She was too scared to feed them! 


Stare off! 

You're little and cute so I'll feed you! 

Train ride with YaYa! 

She was cold!

Carousel ride ;)

Carousel ride ;)

Grizzly bear ride at CMoR!

Nap hair! Love it! 

Treehouse fun :) 

Love this tree house! 

Pumpkin cookies at Panera! 

Maggianos with my sister mom friend! 

Waiting for B in speech ... 

Stir fry! 

Scandal!!! Olivia pope is backkkk! 


She literally told me to wear my SparklyToms like her :) 

Short Pump mall fun! 

She made a wish for her and Beckett! 

Scooter time...

Treehouse again! 

So big!!! 

I held him for 2 hours... 

And we ate Popsicles. 

Camping out  on Friday night watching Planes :)