Friday, September 30, 2016


I got to spend 3 hours at B's school volunteering - we had so much fun!

When I picked Emerson up she was happy to report that she did not cry, did her work and didn't have to visit the principal so she got Dairy Queen for her treat! The man that worked there thought she was too cute and gave her a free blizzard! Win Win there!

Legos at YaYa's after dinner with cousin Doug!


Emerson stayed home today and we cleaned Beckett's room! She was a great helper!

 Took this big 1st grader to Dairy Queen after he got on purple! We got stuck in a crazy rain storm but luckily we were in Target and had fun shopping for daddy's birthday present :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2016



 Duck Donuts for this blue kid!

The best part of my day:
B-playing with Cooper at the park.
E- making a new friend, Sophie.

The worst part of my day:
B-Pooping at Duck Donuts.
E- Going to the principal's office.

And that's a wrap!!!!!!!!!!!


Painting a jewelry box!
 Play time at YaYa's!
 Nap time!

We can't watch this debate!

Monday, September 26, 2016


A perfect fall day at Gallmeyer farms! The Haunted Hayride scared Emerson a little this year but we had SO much fun!


A RoutsHan huddle!


Preschool pics from the week!

Halloween tats!

 New chalkboard!
 Nail time!
 Silly Bear!

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Happy first day of fall! Play date and back to school night! Thanks YaYa for kidsitting!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Early dismissal day, rainy family nap time then the kids spent the afternoon with the Hans!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Nice afternoon at the park!

Summer and E had to feed the babies a snack too :)

Getting Halloween ready! One costume down one to go!

Monday, September 19, 2016


She's very proud of her school bag!


Bridget Jones's BABY!! So good! 

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Saturday, September 17, 2016


Carter Mountain! 

These are my big brother balloons Emerson!


How did we live without this pup?