Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Break 2012!!!

IT's SPRING BREAK 2012!!! You can find me in the club....bottles full of just kidding. Seriously. I am 28 years old 28 years old. I need to stop acting like a "hood rat" like my brother-in-law likes to call me and start "mommying up" as my husband likes to tell me.

Ok but really I just had a WEEK off school.  Not that big of a deal since I average 10 days of work a month but it was nice to have the added time at home. LYMW! LY!  (shout out)

I was SO excited for my break - I was going to knock out some projects around the house, get my room organized, get clothes together for Good Will, clean, paint, do school work. etc.  What did I do? Not a darn thing.

Monday - I attempted to paint my front doors navy.  I got 5 coats of paint on and said screw this.  The paint is sitting by the door and there is still tape on the door as if I am going to finish in this millenium. Maybe I'll work on that this week....

Tuesday - Friday I realized that I was just going to forego all of my duties and shop, eat, and do whatever I wanted to.  Why? Because it's Spring BREAK!  That's right...I said it...I need a BREAK.

This break was much needed and I actually (believe it or not) learned a few lessons.

1) I can NEVER EVER NEVER EVER be a stay at home mom. Never.  As much as I love my babies - 7 days in this house with ALL 24/7 motherly responsibilities was enough to send me over the edge.  Glad I cleared that up.

2) I simply cannot have a clean house, clean kids, clean dogs. SOMETHING's GOTTA GIVE and I gave up on the clean house, clean kids and clean dog part. After 2 days of cleaning like a maniac and Beckett destroying everything in 30 seconds I decided to just give up.

3) It is OK that my yard and house and kids don't look perfect.  My kids are LOVED beyond measure and truly that is all that matters. They have been so happy this week and I am elated to have spent some awesome quality time with them.  (I am currently still in jammies from 36 hours ago).

Here are some pics - I actually did get some mulch and new plants for in front of the side door and in case you were wondering what I eat (drink) for dinner every night here it is.

Hope you all had a great Spring Break - summer is soon :) xoxo

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