Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mortified? Embarrassed? Tired? All of the above...

Our terrific Tuesday started at midnight when I woke Emerson up for a bottle.  Beckett and her both had tubes put in this morning so no food after midnight...hence the force feeding.  

My alarm went off at 5 am to get in the shower - I snoozed it twice, obviously...it's summer!

We headed to the Virginia Eye Institute at 6:40 a.m. for the kids' procedures. 

We actually did not have to wait that long, which was a blessing.  We were shown to our pre-op rooms pretty quickly and got vitals.  After Emerson was called a "he" 10 times and our last name was butchered as Roujon (think Moulin Rouge) we were shown to the toy waiting room. 

Emmason was up first and was gone for maybe 5 minutes.  They came and got Beckett (kicking and screaming) and we went to the post-op room to get screaming baby number 1. She was flailing around and bright red...I knew what to expect from Beckett's previous surgery so I was fine. But, they did not let us wait in that room with her and made us go BACK to the toy waiting room until Beckett was finished......so here we go and enter the toy waiting room with 6 sets of eyes on us and our screaming, red, flailing baby. No one could watch finding Nemo, no one could play, and no one got her freaking gender right.  Am I crazy? Does she not look like a precious angel baby girl? Especially in zebra jammies?  Anyways the longest 5 minutes of screaming, people staring at me ensued and finally we got Beckett.  According to the nurse he was as, "mad as a hornet." Super. 

Emerson calmed down in the car and was an angel the rest of the afternoon.  Beckett continued to be mad as a hornet for 4 HOURSSSS until we had cookies and he settled down. 

I *thought* they were going to being tired from the anesthesia and nap for me when we got home so I could clean before Comcast came.....

....and my mom and Comcast rolled in/up the driveway at 2 oclock!  This is a monumental day for us. Mon.u.men.tal.

We have lived in our house for FIVE years without cable....FIVE yearssss and today all that changed. Not like we will be able to enjoy it because Beckett dominates the TV when it's on but I am still very excited and this is a huge deal for my smart, money saving Nealy.  Thank you Neal. I can't wait to indulge in some E! and Bravo. 

Well, as soon as the Comcast guy came in the door Beckett was his shadow and play mate. If he sat, Beckett sat. If he knelt, Beckett knelt. If he went outside to fix wires, Beckett sprayed him with the hose.  If he tried to come in the front door, Beckett slammed it in his face and locked it running away laughing hysterically. I am not even kidding.  Thank God he had a good sense of humor!!!  He was here for 2 hours hooking everything up....I felt really bad he got eaten alive by mosquitos in the back yard - at least I offered bug spray.

As he was wrapping up he said I hope you don't mind my buddy is coming over....what? buddy?  Oh another Comcast guy - phew.  So, they were looking upstairs at Neal's set up that he mounted on the wall with all the routers and modems and crazy stuff.  Pretty impressive.  I had to answer "because my husband is a computer nerd" to every question they had regarding why we have so many routers and cords and crap.  Oh geez - I just don't get it.  I just want a tv. No cords. I hate cords. I especially hate when they had to pull the tv back to add more cords to discover a small pantry had accumulated under the tv consisting of goldfish, crackers, peanut butter, what appeared to be dried sweet potatoes and fruit snacks. 

Even though I felt mortified and embarrassed by my kiddos today they are still the two cutest boys I have ever seen ;) 

I am a lucky momma and can't wait to laugh about this with B one day!  

Have a glass of wine tired mommies! 

~xo Libby  

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