Friday, July 13, 2012

Reality Check!

Well our week was supposed to go like this....after 3 weeks of blissful vacation *minus the WV end of the world scare* 

Monday ~ Gym, Tuesday ~ CMOR, Wednesday ~ Gym, Thursday ~ CMOR, Friday ~ Gym.

I was SO looking forward to finally using the kids' gym membership that I got Neal for Father's Day and hitting the gym this week.  Well, my kids had other plans that went like this...

Emerson was sick with ear infections and high fevers (104.8) Sunday-Wednesday. Pediatrician and CVS Monday. Nothing Tuesday except trying to pump a baby with the world's WORST gag reflex with Tylenol/Motrin and Antibiotics. I just hold her over the sink now in fear of the upchuck.  My only saving grace was Kimmie coming to take B out of my hair. 

We had our ENT consult Wednesday and both kids need tubes AND the Dr. recommended Beckett have his adenoids removed -  I think we are going to say no to that one. I am not ready for the after effects and risks of surgery without him understanding why he is feeling unwell.  

So, tubes it is but that means at least another year with no antibiotics and proper drainage for both kids. 

Thursday ~ Emerson was on the mend and Beckett slept on the couch for 2 hours - you know what that means....sick.  101.3 fever and yep you guessed it one more kid to puke on me - not just anywhere - this particular incident occurred on the entire left side of my face.  While trying to hose him off in the bathroom I find Gracie trying to eat the puke off the floor and Emerson playing his B's dirty pull up.  Super fun times. Beckett took 3 naps, in turn resulting in a 4:36 AM bed time.  Needless to say, I am beyond exhausted after 6 nights of round the clock care for these 2 kiddos...

I <3 being a mom. Can you tell? 

To top off our week I went to the dentist - I was freaking out because my gums are receding and the sensitivity is getting worse. I know I grind my teeth at night so mouthguard it is for me - expensive but it beats surgery right now. We don't want 3 Routsons having surgery in August!!!

I am ready for a break - to go out, get out, get ready, and just have 5 minutes alone without someone crying "Momma hold you".   

Here's hoping to a better weekend!  

Oh, on to the positive for the week - I read the first two Fifty Shades - life changing I tell ya!  I am excited to see who they cast for the movies - I am sure they will pale in comparison to the books but a mommy can hope!!!

~xo Libby 

Making cookies Monday

Super sick on Thursday

Somethin' bout a truck

Can you believe she has a fever here? Always smiling-my sunshine!

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