Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Before I post my thoughts let me preface by saying...I realize things in this house could be A LOT worse than they are right now and I am very grateful for my husband, children, home, family and friends. But, any support would be greatly appreciated. 

The past 7 days have been hellacious.  We got home from the OBX last weekend to find both babes sick with a capital "S".  

So, Monday morning I took both babies to the dr. after hyperventilating 25 times about how Beckett would behave in the office.  In the past he has banged on the fish tank even though the sign clearly says "Do Not Tap on the Glass."  Well, in his defense he wasn't tapping...anyways I am still not 100% comfortable taking them both places because of the 2's and thought of Emerson screaming.

Turns out Beckett was an ANGEL - I was in heaven.  Maybe we should send him to my MIL's for the weekend more often. He sat beside me, played with cars, was quiet. LOVE. 

So we get to see Dr. Christian, she checks the kids out and the first thing she asks me is "Do you have pets? Are your kids in daycare? Do you smoke?" 

1. Yes we have 2 dogs - a lab and beagle. 
2. Beckett goes to a church preschool with 3 other kids in his class. Emerson goes to a babysitter 2 days a week.
3. No, never, are you crazy.

To which she responds, 
1.  (with a grimace) Yikes, two of the worst for dander and long hair - no cats though right?
2. Ok that's good. 
3. Phew - even better. 

Then she proceeds to tell me that my kids are more than likely allergic to the dogs/pet dander and looking back at the history of B's 2 years that is probably where all of these problems are coming from.  I ask her if it's the pollen and she responds no - that is over. 

She was extremely concerned about Emerson's wheezing and made me have my 26th panic attack of the day. Even though she said how concerned she was about it her body language made it 100X worse. 

We left the dr. with 4 prescriptions - both kids had coughs, runny noses, double ear infections, Beckett had eczema all over his hands, arms, face and E with her wheeze.  We went to CVS where I found out to purchase these 4 medications it would be a whopping 253 dollars.  FML. 

I was sobbing in the car the whole way home, crying to Neal that we have to get rid of the dogs and he said do it.  We got home, gave E her first nebulizer treatment (which we repeated every 4 hours for 24 hours for 5 days), put both kids down for a nap, sat down at the computer and cried/thought. 

For 2 years Beckett has been sick, coughing, sneezing, ear infections.  For 2 years I have been listening to the dr.s tell me to get rid of my animals, and have my carpets cleaned and air ducts cleaned.  I hate to sound naive but shouldn't I listen to the dr.s and believe what they are telling me to do? If I had done this sooner would my kids not be as sick all the time?  For 2 years I have been giving him antibiotics and now Emerson is on her 2nd round at just 6 months old?  This is not good for them...or as my mom says, "It is destroying the flora of their colons!!!!!"

No questions asked - the dogs have to go.  As much as I LOVE animals, my pets, everyone's pets....my kids come FIRST.  I realize this is very hard for some people to understand but until you have been put in my situation you simply cannot understand.    

Sadie was my baby, she was all of 5 lbs. when we got her.  I loved her soft fur, her silly howl, the way she would run upstairs and flip all the pillows off my bed and roll around on it.  I loved the way she laid on Gracie's back like she owned the world.  

I love my kids more and I have to do what is best for them.

We found a wonderful, amazing family for Sadie. I had about 7 emails the day I posted just for her.  After searching them on facebook, google, white pages, maps and linked in. I knew it was right.  How selfish would I be to keep her, gated off in the dining room for the rest of her life, when she could go live with a picture poster perfect American family with a giant house, in an amazing neighborhood with another beagle - the same age, size and temperament!??!?!?

I spoke with the lady interested in adopting Sadie for 45 minutes on the phone and we swapped Beagle stories and I knew it was right.  When we hung up I criiiiiied all night long.  Luckily I had my sister to talk to about the situation.  She is a foster mom for animals and made me feel 100X better about it. 

We met Sadie's new family on Friday and the 2 beagle girls instantly hit it off.  I cried again watching Sadie get into their mini-van with her new sister Sara and continued to cry all night.  

I only want what is best for you Sadie girl, and for the kids.  I know you are LOVING your new home and family - the pictures prove it.  We miss you like crazy - Beckett keeps saying your name and the house is so quiet but the kids are doing better - no more green snot or coughing or rashes.  Gracie is still here... a 9 year old 90 lb. black lab is harder to find a home for. I'm so sorry I had to let you go but you will always be my sweet Sadie Marie... <3 
First night in our house 12-12-08

 Valentine's Day 2008

So playful - 2009

Couch potato - 2009

Sadie and Gracie on the Deck - 2009

Me, Sadie, B - Valentine's 2010

Sadie at her new home with her new sister, Sara. 

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