Monday, May 14, 2012

Take 5

Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!  In my head I had very different versions of how the day was going to play out than how it actually did.  

I envisioned me sleeping in (up at 6:00)  being made breakfast in bed with the sun shining and flowers on a tray (Neal - do you want some toast?) drinking mimosas at brunch ( 1 glass of boxed wine during nap time)  and taking lots of beautiful family photos outside ( I can't even show you any of me because I look like a hot mess ). 

I did make it to church with Emerson and my mom while Neal took Beckett to CMoR to play. We did have a 20 minute brunch at Halligans where we inhaled our food and took 3 trips to the bathroom because Beckett is 2. My mom and I did some yard work while Neal went to the gym and the kids napped.  And we were all asleep by 9 o'clock. 

Neal actually went to bed around 7 because he had a killer headache.  So, the kids and I snuggled on the couch surrounded by a tornado of toys and took 5 before bedtime. 

It was in the last 5 minutes of my day, sitting on the couch with my 2 babies that I really got it.  I really, really got overwhelmed by this feeling of love, and joy, and peace and total fullness.  My life is so full of love for these 2 little kids that my heart literally feels like it can't hold anymore.  Beckett was making Emerson laugh by tickling her and playing peek-a-boo and the 2 of them laughing together made me tear up.  How did I get to be so lucky in love?  

Despite me being exhausted from teething, cleaning up potty training messes,  being dirty from yard work and sitting on top of crushed Goldfish crackers and Yogurt Melts stuck to my pants I am very fortunate for those last 5 minutes of my day and they made/make everything worth it.  The card my mother-in-law gave me said, "The days are so long but the years are so short." Couldn't be more true...

I got some silly pictures that I will treasure forever and remember their cute little laughs and precious smiles always.  

Thank you B & E for being my greatest gifts.  I am one blessed momma. 

~xo Libby

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