Monday, December 10, 2012


So, before I had kids, I used to have a lot more time to hang out with Kim.  We do still hang out but not as often as I'd like since we don't teach at the same school anymore, and I usually have to bring one or more child/children with me when we do.  We got some awesome bonding time over pedicures on Saturday (thank God because her toes were going to scare the nurses in L&D) and I just seriously can't believe how fast the time is going.  We have been best friends for over 10 years and it seems like just yesterday we met in Seminar living in Curry...

I don't know if it's the fact that we share a birthday, or that our baby boys EDD's are 1 day apart but we have always been in sync and I am just SO over the moon that she is having a baby boy too that I cry whenever I think about it.  I have my babysitter on speed dial to get over here as soon as Kim goes into "real" labor!!! I can't wait to hold Jack - I have been wishing kids on the Wilsons since 2009 when I got pregnant.  I'll never forget calling Kim in April 2009 - I was sitting on my deck and I had just found out I was pregnant. She was the first person I called. The sun was shining on that Saturday and it was early but she answered and I just could not help but thinking how lucky I was to be pregnant and able to share all of the ups and downs with her as we have since we met. Fast forward 3 and 1/2 years later you are a constant positive person in both of my kid's lives and they love you dearly, Aunt Timmie.

Now that she is going to be a mom too I am sure I have given her MORE advice than she ever cares to know or hear but I just can't help it! There's so many things that no one tells you THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW! (like it's ok to poop on the table and stitches are going to hurt like a mother) But the most important thing is just how much your life is about to change for the better Kimmie, I am so happy for you and Curtis.  Jack is going to be so loved (more so by me than anyone) and I can't wait to have play dates and for our kids to be best friends forever, too.

So, come on Jack - I am ready for you and please come out before I go to Florida or I will cry some more.   I am ready to come have a sleep over with you so your mom and dad can get some shut eye. We can stay up til 2 am and cuddle on the couch because I am pretty sure you are going to be a knock out in the looks department.

Anyways, before we get all wrapped up in Jack being here I do want to tell you this, Kim...

One of the things that makes Christmas complete is having special people in our lives. And no one is more special to me than you are - you're the closest friend I have in all the world. Ours is a friendship that's grown through all we've been through together - all the high points, low points and changes in between.  You've consoled me, encouraged me and shared a lot of laughter with me.  It's no wonder you're my best friend - and one of my happiest reasons for celebrating at Christmas and our birthday :)

Love you Kimmie and welcome to Mommywood :)

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