Monday, December 3, 2012

"UPDATE yours"

Is what I got in an e-mail from my bff yesterday....I know I have been slacking on the blog and today it feels like I am slacking on life in general :)

I am sitting in the kitchen looking out the window at the 2 neighbors behind me and they are:
1. showered/dressed/hair fixed
2. hanging laundry out on the lines
3. having a conversation

Hit those brakes people.  It is 9:35 - I am in my pj's with mouth guard still intact, have not spoken more than 5 words in two hours and am avoiding the overflowing hampers in my laundry room like the plague.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! Why can't I get up and get ready and do laundry and have conversations?

I am just not a morning person on my days off.  I intend to clean the house today and do all the laundry and shower at some point if one or both of my kids take a nap but I am just in slow mo.....

I actually have no excuse for being tired today.  Beckett was with Grandma Helen this weekend and Neal and I slept for 9 hours Friday and Saturday was GLORIOUS.  We got to go out to eat and finish our meal IN THE RESTAURANT, go to Target without buying a toy car,  have some alone time and I got to hang out with Kimmie 2 days in a row!  Thank you Emerson for being a champion sleeper and thank you Grandma Helen for giving us a break!

I did stay up to watch the Walking Dead and finish grading some papers Sunday night though so I'll blame it on that :)

I am so excited for December.  JACK will be born, Beckett's 3rd birthday, Neal and I's 13th anniversary, and our trip to Florida!!!  Just 8 work days stand between winter break and I!!!!!

Better stop gawking at the neighbors and do something :(  Here's some photos from Thanksgiving weekend to catch up :)

                                        Transitioning to CUPS with milk - no more bottles :(

And this last one was out to dinner Saturday night :) She was givin' someone the sassy eye!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! Thanks for updating ;) You're such an amazing mom and I hope to be just as amazing as you!! xoxo
