Saturday, March 28, 2015


Rainy Friday! E and I went to the gym, Lowes and the library while B was at school. He gave his teacher her Easter present and he talked about how excited she was for the whole afternoon. He also got to bring his favorite color *blue* for show and tell today ( blue easter bunny and blue mashem) so that made his day great! I'm down 3.5 lbs on WW and I'm so excited for my goals! Time for some skinny pop and catching up on GIRLS. 

2 point breakfast 
7 point lunch 

8 point dinner

Playing at the library - she loves the doll house!

New globe!

Light off.

"Make up"

Elsa and Emerson - twinsies! 


  1. Love love love you're new globe light!! Have you painted your enty way yet?? :)

    1. Haha I wish I started sanding and repainting the porch railings instead - always something right?! After Easter for sure!! After windows ha
