Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Oh B, how I love thee...

Beckett the 4 year old is full of so many cute phrases lately!  Just wanted to remember these....

While watching Little Einsteins the characters said to follow rocket - B replied, "Ok but not too far. I can't be too far away from my mommy and daddy and Emmason and Gwacie and Sunny."

O.M.G. My heart grew.

Then a funny one - I was SO excited to pick him up from preschool because it is snowing again!!!!! But, B did not share in my excitement.  He responded, "Aw man. I don't like winter. I want summatime. I want to play in the waterrrrrrrr! I like water."

Maybe we will have to break out the swimming suits and hit the gym pool soon for my little love B!


PS - Bring on the snow!

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