Saturday, January 25, 2014

Snow week photo dump!

The past seven days have been a whirlwind! I went to Yorktown for my friend's birthday. It's always nice to visit a place that is so comfortable and familiar. I miss it some days! We had a three day weekend for MLK Jr. Holiday and my mom was off work so she took us out to lunch. Then we got snowwwwwed in for the rest of the week! No school for 4 days! We left the house to go to the pediatrician (double ear infections for E) and we went to the orthopedic dr. since E fell and fractured her leg while running around the house with B. Never a dull moment! Went out to lunch with Kim and sweet Jack on Friday. Today I had a quick workout and we did a project for Beckett's class. I am so sad about returning to work on Monday! Looking forward to watching Sean and Catherine's wedding tomorrow night!!!! That and Spring Break ;)



They love their new sleeping bags from Gma!

Did some rearranging!

Best snuggle ever. 

Dinner and a little love note for my Nealy.

Love these sweet faces!!!! Gonna be so hard to leave them next week!


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