Friday, January 10, 2014

Sunny on a rainy day!

We adopted a kitten over Christmas! Emerson had been asking for a kitty and when my sister came - aka the queen of fostering - we visited some shelters and found one kitten in the whole area! We didn't take her home that day and when we went back she was gone... Neal was still unsure. I was so bummed.

So, my aunt, cousin and I went to Trader Joe's to get a few grocery items and we popped in PetCo and there were 5 kittens! 3 families were already filling out paperwork so I jumped in line and there was a foster holding a sweet tortie kitten in her arms. We literally locked eyes and well she was ours after that! She let me hold and cuddle her right away. She wasn't affected by noise or what was going on in the store at all. She just enjoyed being held. Her fosters did a wonderful job litter box training and bottle feeding the kittens. Her name was Toffee but Beckett called her Sunny and it just stuck! Her fosters were teary eyed when we said goodbye so I knew we were really adopting a special one! 
So we brought her home on December 28th. 

I was apprehensive about the kids allergies but so far they have been perfect!!! Sunny doesn't shed as much as Saber did so that is helpful! She is just as sweet as she can be. The kids carry her around and she lays with them. She loves to follow Neal wherever he goes and loves to cuddle with me in the bed which is especially nice on rainy afternoons like today! (And Neal is the most smitten with her!) 

We are so blessed by the happiness this kitten has brought our family! We love you Sunny! Now we need to get back to our nap ... 

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