Thursday, March 29, 2012

My balls

What a morning!!!

Poor Emerson woke up at 3:30 coughing, coughing, and could not stop coughing.
I could BARELY open my eyes at 3:30 - they were so dry and swollen from crying so much yesterday...

But, I am a mom so I do what I do and trudge on - throw my legs over the bed, pick up E, and start rocking.  We talk, laugh, play, giggle, feed her, rock her, take her temperature etc.  She does NOT want me to put her down but finally around 6 am she fell back asleep with a little fussing.

Realizing my bebe is not well I had to quick do sub plans and get those emailed off. Thanks to the best team ever for getting everything ready for the substitute!

Around 6:30 I think...maybe I could lay back down - after all this is the 3rd night this week I have gotten 4 hours of sleep...or less.  (If anyone that does not have children EVER says in my presence that you are tired I will haul off and slap you silly because you have NO CLUE what being tired is.)

Back to my's 6:30 ... I want to lay down but I hear moaning upstairs...coming from Beckett's room.  He is moaning like a zombie with a crackly voice "my balls, my balls, my balls...."

OH DEAR LORD I thought - I am exhausted but I go check on bebe number 1.  I open his door, turn on the light, honestly I am a little worried - WHAT is he talking about...  I just can't take 2 sick kids today!!!

Beckett is completely submerged under the covers - he doesn't even know I'm in the room and the lights are on.

I quick pull back his blanky so I can make sure he is breathing while he's moaning this crazy nonsense about balls...and ah.  There it his hands, under his covers...his balls.

A basketball and a soccer ball.  One in each hand.  Two balls.  His balls.  Makes sense now.

So he jumps up, gives me a big smile and says "balls momma!!!" He then hands them to me and we go downstairs and play.  :)

Beckett and Daddy are at school/work for the day and Emerson and I are home snuggling and cleaning up projectile vomit and snot.

Can I just say that I love my little girl and my little boy SO much???  I love that I get to play girly things like dolls with E and I love that I get to play boyish things with B---like balls. :) What a blessed mommy I am..snot, vomit, no sleep, balls and all.

~xo Libby

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