Friday, February 24, 2012

Freaky Friday!

Not sure why I "assigned" the title to this post before writing it but I did.  Maybe for the crazy weather we are having in February or maybe because I am sleep deprived but now that I am looking at the top of the screen and reading what I just wrote I am reminded for the 100th time this week that I have a dirty mind.

Lots of uses for the word dirty in my life...
We got to order Subway at school today and it was delivered to us! Sweet ~ I can get a veggie sub and not have to worry about packing my lunch!  However, this morning over the intercom the secretary wanted to know why I didn't want to eat meat on my sandwich.  (insert dirty mind)  Without wanting to delve into my Catholic background in front of my 2nd graders I just replied - I can't eat meat today!!! To which she replied, "No Meat"? Me - NO I cannot eat MEAT today! (AGH dirty mind!) 

Another application for the word dirty today comes to my house...
It was an absolutely beautiful week weather wise! I opened the doors, opened the windows, let some fresh air in....aaaahhhhh. HOLY CRAP my house is filthy. The light hath shone and I'm pretty sure that under the black dust that my baseboards are in fact white.  I had to get cleaning like pronto.  I cleaned ALL day Tuesday - Exhibit A. 

Ok people - the proof is in the pad! This Shark Steam Mop pad is BEYOND dirty. It's freaking disgusting. Why are my floors so dirty??? My dogs track the dirt in from the backyard and it drives me BONKERS so after I mopped and vaccumed with my sacred Dyson I got down on my hands and knees (dirty again) and scrubbed the living room carpet free of dirt! Did dishes, emptied trashcans, made beds, etc. This is not how I planned on spending my Tuesday but I had no choice.  

Now moving on to dirty laundry ....
I am ALWAYS doing laundry - and by always I mean like 3 days a week. It is constantly piling up between the 4 of us and never-ending.  So, I hadn't done laundry since Tuesday when I went on my massive cleaning spree, which occurs weekly.  Today rolls around and after bathtime I tell Neal to lay out jammies ... he shouts there are none.  SURELY there are jammies in these kids' drawers. I ALWAYS do laundry.  Nope. Nada. Exhibit B.

My adorable little girl is wearing her brother's hand me down ST. PATRICK's day jammies...and if you can notice in the background Beckett is sporting 4T fleece pants rolled up for the flood and a Christmas reindeer top.  O.M.G. How do we have so much dirty laundry that this is what my children are wearing?  

What have I learned today? I fail at being a mommy and wife.  FAIL. My house is dirty, clothes are dirty, mind is dirty.  I need to cleanse my spirit on this non meat eating Friday.  I tell Neal instead of giving something up for Lent I should clean MORE everyday so I don't have to deal with all this dirty crap ever again!!! 

Thank God my husband brought home a bottle of Moscato after work...I could not wait to open it after both children were snuggled in their festive holiday jammies.  

I go to the kitchen and notice the wine on the counter....Neal left it out because he thought white wine was supposed to be served warm.  I got your warm serving right here buddy!!!!!!!!! 

DIRTY! OMG! I am just plain dirty. 

Thank God for Ice.  I am going to church Sunday. 

1 comment:

  1. You did not fail as a mother, you are a great mom! Like so many other GREAT moms you decided that dust could wait, so that you could spend time with your children, whether it be reading or singing to them, wiping away a tear (or a snotty nose or a butt..haha) making them laugh, playing with them, or just memorizing their faces. The dust will still be there next Tuesday, but your kids will only be this age once!
