Sunday, September 7, 2014

Give me the simple life!

We had a wonderful end to our summer with a weekend Labor Day trip to Yorktown with dear friends and a really fun concert!  The kids and I are having so much fun on our days together at home.  Beckett is so excited that soccer and Pre-K start this week and I am a mix of emotions! My baby is getting so big, so fast.  Emerson continues to outsmart me on the daily.  We have grown up conversations all the time.  She blows my mind!  She is a little testing when Neal is not around, but comes with the age of course. She keeps reminding me that "It's just not fair!" that she has to stay home with me while Beckett goes to school.  I am dreading the daily drop off because I know it's going to be her kicking and screaming out the door.  I am in a groove of working out, running errands, and playing with the kids.  I have had a lot more time to cook and have made some really yummy dinners for us! Hoping to get in a routine of sleeping through the night again but as soon as my head hits my pillow all thoughts go to Patti.  The plus side is I have read at least 2 books a week while I lay awake in bed.  Here is our last couple weeks of summer!  Looking forward to fall, soccer, weddings, Halloween and volunteering in Beckett's classroom!

1 comment:

  1. Your family is so lucky to have you as a SAHM!!!! Those soccer treat bags are too cute..."Coach Neal".....and that picture of the 2 of them walking away...ugh adorable!! I hope B has a great 1st day and you and Miss E have a great time together. Love ya! xoxoxo
