Monday, September 29, 2014

Soccer Saturdays!!!

I just love watching Beckett work with a team and learn the rules of soccer!! He is so cute and Neal is the most patient coach! Makes my heart so happy! Emerson was a little difficult to keep entertained at soccer and didn't want to cheer for our boys but instead run on the bleachers!! Which resulted in my smacking my face on a pole. :) We had warm weather for the game but B scored his first goal!!! Grandma Helen came up to watch and took us out to dinner at Red Robin (B's fav) after the game. I think Emerson only said "gramma Helennn" 457 times. :)  Sunday Neal had to work so I took the kids to CMoR and Trader Joe's. I went to church Sunday night and finished Save the Date by Mary Kay Andrews - great read!!

Here's our weekend pics! 

Watching daddy mow the grass..

Grandma and B

Fancy footwork!


Playing on the bleachers!


Oh my this girl! 

I rocked my Patti shirt to soccer!

It's Saturday night!! 

CMoR :)

She loved the car pieces! 


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